Welcome to IJASR
The International Journal of Arts and Science Research (IJASR) is an online Journal and international peer review Biannual, arts and science journal emphasizing quality Arts and Science discoveries and innovations. IJASR provides for publication of novel and innovative research from the areas of Arts and Science research. The Journal has been designed to cover all the fields of research, which has any correlation and impact on Arts and Science research. This Journal publishes original research work that contributes significantly to further the scientific knowledge in Arts and Science Research.
The international standard serial number (ISSN) for International Journal of Arts and Science Research (IJASR) is 2393-9532.
The International Journal of Arts and Science Research (IJASR) is an Official journal that provides rapid publication of articles in all aspects of Arts and Science. Arts Such as Arts History, Accountancy, Commerce, Classics, Comparative Literature, Creative Writing, Cultural Analysis, English, Economics, Environmental Science, Humanities, Museum Studies, Music Studies, Philosophy Studies, Social Sciences such as Anthropology, Bioethics, Culture and Media, Journalism, Law and Society, Linguistics, Politics, Sociology and Tamil etc. Science such as Atmosphere Ocean Science, Biology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Computer Sciences, Environmental Studies, Mathematics, Microbiology, Neural Science, Physics and more relevant fields. International Journal of Arts and Science Research (IJASR) publish original research work either as a Full Research Paper or as a Short Communication.
Manuscripts submitted to the Journal are only accepted on the understanding that
- (a) They are subject to editorial review process (generally Triple blind review);
- (b) They will not be published if they have not been selected.
The Editors welcome articles in this multidisciplinary field, ranging from Arts and Science.